Monday, November 19, 2007

Yet, another one...

I apologize, but this week I will not be posting much. If my partner in crime wishes to post, it is up to her, on my part, I am taking a short sabbatical from here!!!

But, do not panic! I will leave you with a treat. So, there's this amazing website, called LAST.FM, so, visit it and pay some tribute to it. It is AWESOME! You sign up, get an account, and sync your itunes or music program with their software, so that every single song that you listen to is "scrobbled" onto your profile. It updates on a weekly basis the bands that you've listened to and so forth. It also has a list of the songs that you listen to the most. It's one of those crazy websites you get addicted to. So, go, and sign up! And, if you really like, I can become your friend on it, just let me know!

Alrite, I am out.

Hope you have a SUPERY DOOPERY AWESOMERY THANKSGIVING!!! I know I will... I'm going home, finally, in over a month, and will be having home-made food! YES! NO MORE BAD COLLEGE DINING FOOD!!! LIFE WILL BE GREAT FOR FOUR DAYS!!!

Take care, and, listen to so much music that you think your ear drums are numb!!! ha!


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